Boys and Girls Potty Training in 3 Days
Potty Training Boys and Girls




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Potty Training A Four Year Old

I often get mothers who write to me saying, I am so embarrassed. My 4 year old will not potty train.

These moms feel as if they are the only ones with this problem. And they often cannot see the light at the end of the the tunnel. If you are a parent potty training a 4 year old, do not despair!

Believe it or not, you may have waited all these years, but with my potty training book, you can solve this issue in 3 days!

How Do You Potty Train A  Four Year Old?

Many parents toilet training 4 year old children are parents of boys. Potty training boys seems to be a challenge for many; boys are often a bit slower than girls when it comes to the potty and they tend to be stubborn.

However, some parents also decide to wait longer before toilet training a boy. Moms probably feel that their child will toilet train easier because he is no longer a baby and is aware of what is going on. By the way, pediatricians do not usually encourage parents to wait so long, because awareness is not always what works to potty train a four year old. A child that age usually has a mind of his own and does not always feel like doing what mommy wants and when mommy wants.

When potty training 4 year old children, parents often discover that their child is very comfortable in diapers and sees no necessity to change. It is of vital importance to be supportive and positive with children in everything that they do -- and this is going to be a real test of the frustration level of moms.

Do not be embarrassed to seek advice from relatives and friends. Keep in mind, my 3 day potty training method has works well on  four year old and 5 year old kids.

It is best for you and for your child not to put off potty training any longer - so try to purchase my Potty Training Basics Guide today!

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