Toilet Training Babies
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Tips to Potty Train Baby

Tips to Potty Training Your Baby

Yes, baby potty training can be done. And it is not a new concept. Many cultures around the world practice potty training for babies.

If you are motivated to start infant potty training, otherwise known as IFP, here are a few essentials to keep in mind:

Your baby is smarter than you think.
A baby can recognize when he or she has to go.

Older siblings can help your baby potty train.
When you have older children, toilet training for babies can be easier as they are motivated to imitate their older brothers and sisters. Baby toilet training can even become fun if all the siblings become enthusiastic. Now the whole family is involved in potty training baby!

Pick up signals from baby.
When toilet training a baby, moms must be able to pick up signals from their baby and understand timing. For example, moms should learn how long it takes for baby to go after waking up and after feeding. Babies usually develop regular patterns. Try to determine how many times your baby goes each day and when.

To toilet train babies, moms should look for body language cues.
Does your baby have a certain body language associated with bowel movements? Does he or she make any sounds when it is that time? Believe it or not, this information gathering is important if you want to potty train your baby.

Start pre-potty training preparations.
Other experts recommend that parents start with potty training preparation before they actually potty train babies. This can be done as soon as 10 months. To toilet train babies this way, you can introduce the concept to the baby. This way, there is less pressure on you and your child when you start the process of potty training your baby.

When potty training for baby, be encouraging.
Experts say that a bad experience can have emotional effects on your child. Remember that you should always be positive and encouraging when potty training a baby. Let your child take his or her time on the potty or toilet. Do not penalize them for mistakes and do not get annoyed.

Potty training for baby should be easy, peaceful and fast. And with the Potty Training Basics ebook, it is! When you baby potty train with this technique, you hold the hand of you baby and we will hold yours! This guide to toilet training is guaranteed to work!

Get your copy now!




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