Yes, it's true: potty training a boy traditionally takes longer than it does for a girl. The reasons for this are varied, but one thing is clear: none of them mean you need to wait any longer to begin toilet training your son. That being said, there are some things you can do to make the process a simpler one for both you and your chid.
Toilet training for boys is made easier with these simple tips (if you have a girl, find out about how to potty train girls):
- The best way to toilet train a boy is to start by having your son sit on the potty. Since many children have a bowel movement at the same time they have to pee, having him already sitting down will make the concept of using the potty far less confusing. Of course, if your son is ready and willing to stand up right away, don't discourage him.
- If your child attends day care, than before you start, you need ensure that you will teaching him the same way that they will be teaching him, as some will insist boys learn to pee standing up right away.
- If your son if going to be trained by an opposite-sex parent, make an effort to ensure he has someone to model for him how boys use the potty.
- Show him how to point his penis into the toilet to avoid missing it altogether.
- If you need help with this, Cheerios are usually a great inspiration: use them to help your son practice his aim!
- Another way to get him excited is to put one blue food coloring in the toilet. Tell your son to watch as his pee changes the colour to green!
- You can also try reading to him as he sits on the potty, as this will help him to relax.
- To make getting to potty easier on your little boy, have him wear loose-fitting clothes that he can easily take off himself, or buy underwear a size too big (e.g. avoid suspenders or full-piece suits).
- Check to make sure your toilet seat can't fall down on your child. The best way to do this is to ask him to check that the seat is up securely before he starts to pee.
- And the most important lesson of all: begin showing your son right away how to put the seat down once he's finished with the potty!
The truth is, toilet training can be quick and easy - for both boys and girls! |